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A Letter from Ben & Cheyenne

Hello! We’re a fun, loving family from Ohio who love to explore the outdoors, travel, and spend as much time together as possible. Our story started when we were in middle school! Adoption has been on each of our hearts since we were kids and when we got married we both pictured adoption in our future. We’ve been through four miscarriages as we’ve grown our family and now have 3 amazing children. Our hope and dream to adopt a child remains strong and we’d be excited and honored to welcome your child into our family.

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A Little About Us

Cheyenne shares how we met: We were good friends through middle school and high school. Ben worked on my dad’s farm in high school. We dated for a few years after graduating and have now been happily married over 5 years.

Activities we enjoy:
• Hiking
• Camping
• Swimming
• Walks around our farm or in town
• Going to the beach
• Picnics in the backyard
• Day trips to new places

Meet Cheyenne

Ben says: Cheyenne is fun, nurturing, loving, quirky, and caring. She really is my best friend! Cheyenne happily spends her days taking care of our home and our kids, homeschooling the boys and planning fun things for our children to do and learn from. She puts all her effort into taking care of our family and is always ready for a new adventure.

Cheyenne likes:
• Riding her horse, Wilder
• Cooking and baking (her latest specialty are homemade sourdough goodies!)
• Making soap
• Bee keeping
• Painting
• Volunteering to mentor to a local teen

Meet Ben

Cheyenne says: Ben is kind, silly, fun, and honest. He puts family first and works hard to provide for and support us. Even after a long day of work, Ben comes home ready to help with dinner or spend time with the kids. He’s a kind and patient dad who loves teaching and showing our children new things. Ben is the best dad! Recently Ben changed jobs so that he could have more time to work on our farm market business and be at home with us.

Ben likes:
• Home improvement projects
• Lawn care
• Wood working
• Working on cars
• Motor sports

Our Family Life

We have two sons and one daughter. Elliot is 6, very smart and funny, and into science experiments, taking pictures, reading, and ice cream trips. Isaiah is 5, sweet and goofy, and likes crafts, books, dinosaurs, and superhero toys. Our boys are such good brothers and have been such good helpers with their baby sister. They are already excited about having another baby in the family to love on. Our daughter, Kathleen, a sweet little girl who loves to smile. She adores her big brothers! Every stage with our kids has been our favorite, watching each of them grow and become their own little person. We love the idea of raising children close in age and sharing a close sibling bond.

As a family we love:
• Playing in our yard or at the park
• Going to the library, zoo, or aquarium
• Ben’s big homemade breakfasts on the weekends
• Going to the Forest School that Cheyenne hosts at the park
• Family movie or game nights
• Gardening
• Taking care of our animals
• Taking the kids to ride their pony, Beny Boo

Our Home in Ohio

We love farm life in our small, charming town. We like that we live rural enough to have space to play, raise animals, and explore the woods, yet we’re still close enough to a few cute towns and small cities for anything we want to do. We enjoy local festivals and parades, as well as the rich history of this area.

Our home is a 4 bedroom Victorian farm house. It was built in 1865 and we have worked to restore it. We love that our house is unique and charming! Here there are always children and dogs playing, food cooking, and music going! We live on 70 acres with a large fenced-in yard, a big wooden swing set, and a playhouse. Next to our bedroom is a nursery decorated for a boy or a girl. We’re working on opening a farmer market right here on our farm and hope to add a petting zoo to it in the next few years!

Our Promise

We believe in giving our kids an innocent place to grow and explore their interests, gifts, and strengths. We love fun and messy play, reading stories, affection, and adventures outside. As parents, we will do everything possible to give our children the tools they need to become confident, loving people.

We promise to:
• Talk about adoption with love and honesty.
• Value education and support his or her goals. We’ll provide opportunities to learn hands-on, take classes, or go to college.
• Help them learn practical life skills and the value of hard work and kindness.
• Make sure your child always knows how loved and valued they are.

Thank you for considering us as adoptive parents for your child. We think open adoption is beautiful and we’d love to share photos, phone calls, and visits with you, if you wish. You and your child would be truly loved and celebrated in our family.

We’d love to talk or answer any of your questions. To learn more about us, please call or text Lifetime at 1.800.923.6784.

Thoughtfully, Ben & Cheyenne

Learn More About Ben & Cheyenne

  Ben Cheyenne
Our EducationVocational Training for MechanicsSome College & Doula Training
Our ProfessionsWork at a Home Manufacturing CompanyStay-at-home mom & I run a small homemade soap business
Our Racial BackgroundCaucasian Caucasian
Some of Ben & Cheyenne's Favorites
Way to spend a weekendHome improvement projects and getaways with familyExploring new places and family time at home
Things about ChristmasPreparing food with family and extra time at home from workDecorating our home, staying in PJ's all day on Christmas, and family time
ColorBlueYellow and teal
Birthday DinnerPizzaSushi
Children's Book"If You Give a Mouse a Cookie""Pumpkin Soup" or "Magic Tree House"
Vacation SpotOuter Banks, North CarolinaHawaii
Meal to cook for othersPierogi CasseroleRoasted chicken & veggies, soups, or stuffed peppers
More About Our Family
Fun Facts About Us

• Ben loves to collect cast iron tractors with our boys.
• Cheyenne can’t resist bringing home a stray animal. She also collects Fairtrade baskets made by women in Africa.

What Matters Most to Us

• Faith in God
• Giving our kids space to enjoy childhood
• Time in nature
• Traveling to see the world with our children
• Creating a peaceful home for our family

Pets & Farm Animals

We have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 3 rats, a pony, a horse, and 2 goldfish. On our farm we also have a few goats, chickens, ducks, a turkey, and a goose! We love raising our children with opportunities to love and care for animals.

Loved Ones & Family Traditions

Our family loves getting together and we have friends who are always up to join us for adventures. Everyone in our life is excited to meet the child we will be chosen to adopt. We even have a close family friend who was adopted.

Favorite Traditions:
• Visiting the state park with Cheyenne’s parents in the spring
• Going to Amish Country in the fall
• Thanksgiving at Ben’s aunt & uncle’s cabin in the Adirondack Mountains (we love playing in the snow!)
• Annual Christmas parade in town
• Family dinners & cookouts
• Summers swimming at the grandparents’ lake

We Prefer a Child Who Is...
Age of Child





Either boy or girl

Sibling Group

Yes, up to 3 years old

In Closing

We're grateful for this chance to share a little about our family and the life we'd love to share with your child. Thank you for considering us as adoptive parents! Adoption has been on our hearts for a long time and it's exciting to be at this part of our family's story. If you'd like to have ongoing contact we will gladly share updates as your child grows. We hope to get to know you and the hopes you have for your child's future!

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